College Features
Qualification Awarded by HKBU
CIE as a self-funded unit of HKBU offers a 2-year Associate Degree Programme which is equivalent to the first two years of a 4-year degree programme; and final two years of Self-funded Undergraduate Programmes for sub-degree graduates.
CIE AD Programme is governed by the HKBU quality assurance policies and practices. Upon completion of the AD Programme, students will be awarded an Associate of Arts or an Associate of Science by HKBU.
Ever since 2005, the College has been providing degree articulation opportunities for its Associate Degree graduates. Today, the College is offering various undergraduate programmes in 5 disciplines ranging from Applied Science, Arts and Languages, Business, Communication and Social Sciences.
Curriculum Design
The CIE curriculum framework is modeled closely after the undergraduate curriculum of the Hong Kong Baptist University. In fact, the Associate Degree Programme is offered in collaboration with various faculties and departments at the Hong Kong Baptist University. CIE students shall be taught by both CIE teachers as well as lecturers from the Hong Kong Baptist University in the collaborative concentration studies.
Whole Person Education
To ensure teaching and learning quality of the Associate Degree Programme, the College follows its educational ethos which is based on a "learner-centered" philosophy. The College seeks to nurture the development of its students not only in terms of academic and professional dimensions, but also in all other dimensions be it social or ethical, intellectual or spiritual, as encompassed by the concept of "whole person education". Learning is seen as a holistic process where the cultivation of the whole person – in mind, body and spirit – is greatly emphasized. The College seeks to encourage students to broaden their horizons and develop their full potential not only through the formal curriculum but also through participation in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
International Exposure
Through the Academic and Exchange Programme, CIE provides opportunities for all students to broaden their horizons academically and culturally to enhance their whole-person development. The programme acts as a platform for students to enrich their exposure in various industries and cultural diversified settings as well as their global outlooks.

Student Development
CIE not only encourages students to strive for academic excellence, but also puts emphasis on experiential learning through an array of student development programmes. Over 300 activities are arranged allowing more than 5,000 participants to join annually.
Students are supported in the development of their English language proficiency through access to consultation hours with their English language lecturers, the English Language Support (ELS), language enhancement courses and extra-curricular English activities.
CIE provides a system of mentorship for students. The system consists of Professional Mentorship Programme, Academic Mentorship Programme and Alumni Mentorship Programme. Mentors and mentees meet each other periodically to see how the latter are progressing, whether they have any problems and provide them with academic, articulation and career advice when needed.
A host of scholarships and awards are offered to students in recognition of their outstanding academic or other achievements. In 2021-22, over 300 AD and UG students were awarded scholarships with a total of over HK$4.3 million offered by the College and the HKSAR Government.
Quality Campus Facilities
The College possesses comprehensive campus facilities. Both our Kowloon Tong and Shek Mun campuses provide students with high-quality facilities and services. Our Associate Degree students are entitled to the all-round services that the University offers its students.