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Alumni Sharing

Since 2000, CIE has nurtured thousands of local and non-local students. They are now fulfilling their dreams of either furthering education or serving different parts of the community. Some graduates whom you may know would like to share their words with you.

Division of Applied Science

CIE provides diversified experiential learning activities, and I was given plenty of opportunities to take part in personal growth activities, as well as local visits and overseas exchange programmes. During my visits to Taiwan and Thailand, I had the privilege to meet with the officials from the Government and practitioners of environmental groups, besides visiting different local organisations.
Vincent Choi  ’20
  • Currently studying Bachelor of Social Sciences in Geography and Resource Management, CUHK
  • Associate of Science (Geography and Resources Management), HKBU 2020
I was given plenty of opportunities to take part in personal growth activities, as well as local visits and overseas exchange programmes.
Vincent Choi  ’20
  • Currently studying Bachelor of Social Sciences in Geography and Resource Management, CUHK

Division of Arts and Languages

The lecturers in CIE have great qualifications and academic backgrounds. They deliver inspiring lectures and respond to students’ needs genuinely. The College also organizes various information talks to allow students to have a better planning for their further study and activities such as the Chinese reading group and the College publication committee to encourage interaction and establish sustainable relationships with fellow students.
Yau Ting Kit, Kevin  ’12
  • Lecturer at University
  • Ph.D. in Chinese Language and Literature, CUHK 2020
  • Master of Philosophy Programme (Major in Chinese Language and Literature), CUHK 2016
  • Bachelor of Arts (Major in Chinese Language and Literature), CUHK 2014
  • Associate of Arts (Chinese for Professional Purposes), HKBU 2012
College activities encourage students' interaction and establishing sustainable relationship with fellow students.
Yau Ting Kit, Kevin  ’12
  • Lecturer at University

Division of Business

The extensive articulation opportunities at CIE allowed me to further study at a UGC-funded hotel management undergraduate programme.
Pearl Chiu  ’17
  • Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Hotel Management, PolyU 2019
  • Associate of Arts (Tourism and Hospitality Management), HKBU 2017
The extensive articulation opportunities at CIE allowed me to further study at a UGC-funded hotel management undergraduate programme.
Pearl Chiu  ’17
  • Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Hotel Management, PolyU 2019

Division of Communication

As a mainland student, CIE provided me with many opportunities to participate in student activities. During my study, I participated in the Europe study tour and successfully received the ROA scholarship. The study tour experience was very helpful for my further studies. In addition, I also participated in the Communication Student Union and co-organized student activities, including orientations and guest lectures. As a student who was not good at Cantonese at the time, these were all good opportunities to practise my language skills. The experiences in joining CIE activities have greatly influenced my future career in Hong Kong, which made me involve more in local life and engage better in a Cantonese-speaking environment.
Li Chen  ’18
  • Investor Research Associate
  • Bachelor of Communication (Hons) in Journalism and Digital Media (Data and Media Communication Concentration), HKBU 2021
  • Associate Degree of Arts (Creative Communication), HKBU 2018
The experiences in joining school activities have greatly influenced my future career in Hong Kong.
Li Chen  ’18
  • Investor Research Associate

Division of Social Sciences

CIE has led me to my dream of becoming a psychologist. The AD programme in psychology has provided me with a solid foundation to further study and at the same time helped me identify and acquire the essential qualities of a psychologist. With a clear vision, I went to Australia to further my education. I am a qualified clinical psychologist now. My motto is “dare to dream. To reach your dream, you should never give up.
Cheng Chi Fung  ’05
  • Australian Psychological Society Registered Clinical Psychologist (private practice) and Seasonal Lecturer at Central Queensland University
  • Master of Psychology (Clinical), Deakin University 2009
  • Bachelor of Social Science in Psychology (Hons), Bond University 2007
  • Bachelor of Science in Psychology, University of Southern Queensland 2006
  • Associate of Science (Psychology), HKBU 2005
CIE has led me to my dream of becoming a psychologist.
Cheng Chi Fung  ’05
  • Australian Psychological Society Registered Clinical Psychologist (private practice) and Seasonal Lecturer at Central Queensland University