317 students awarded scholarships under Self-financing Post-secondary Scholarship Scheme 2014/15
BackCIE has been granted scholarships under the Self-financing Post-secondary Scholarship Scheme (SPSS) for four consecutive years. This year, 317 students from Associate Degree (AD) Programme and Undergraduate (UG) Programmes were awarded scholarships, at a total of HK$4,790,000. The HKSAR Government Scholarship Fund & Self-financing Post-secondary Education Fund Joint Scholarship Presentation Ceremony was held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 15th April, Mr. Eddie Ng Hak Kim, Secretary for Education, presented the certificates to the awardee representatives. Dr. Sam Lau, Director of CIE, attended the ceremony to give his heartfelt congratulations to the 13 CIE awardee representatives.
The SPSS was established under the Self-financing Post-secondary Education Fund (SPEF) in 2011 to promote quality and sustainable development of the self-financing post-secondary sector. There are five types of scholarships/awards established under SPSS, namely “Outstanding Performance Scholarship”, “Best Progress Award”, “Talent Development Scholarship”, “Reaching Out Award”, and “Endeavour Scholarship”, to appreciate and support outstanding students who strive for excellence in study, and other areas.
Apart from scholarships granted by the HKSAR Government, HKBU CIE has also offered an array of scholarships and financial aid to encourage students to pursue all-round development. Students may visit the College website for details. AD students please visit “Here” and UG students please visit “Here”.