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Associate Degree Programme


To provide post-secondary students with a full-time education opportunity to acquire broad-based general education in preparation for employment or further studies locally or overseas.

To enhance the quality of life of the students through the pursuit of learning and the development of their potentials.

Our Programmes

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Applied Science
Arts and Languages
Social Sciences

Study Path


Diploma of College Foundation Studies (SCE, HKBU)
Diploma Yi Jin / Diploma of Applied Education (SCE, HKBU)
International Qualifications
Other QF Level 3 Qualifications
Diploma Yi Jin, Foundation Diploma, Diploma of General Studies, Diploma of Applied Education
JEE (Gaokao)
Advance to
Years 1 & 2
Associate Degree Programme

Advance to
Years 3 & 4
HKBU Self-funded Undergraduate Programmes
Senior Year Places (Year 3) of UGC-funded Undergraduate Programmes*
*Available to local students only
Other Local and Overseas Institutions

Programme Structure

The four-year HKBU Undergraduate Programme normally requires students to complete a total of 128 units. The HKBU AD Programme is a 62-unit programme which requires two years of full-time studies. The curriculum is equivalent to the first two years of an undergraduate programme. Please click here to know more.

After completing the AD Programme, students are eligible to take the “2+2” study path articulation to the last two years of a UG Programme. There are currently 11 UG Honours Degree Programmes. Under the same quality assurance mechanism, HKBU AD graduates could articulate to UG Programmes seamlessly without taking any programme pre-requisites.

Transfer of Units / Course Exemption

Students admitted to Year 1 of study with advanced standing may apply for transfer of units / course exemption if they had taken equivalent courses in other institutions before admission. They may be granted up to 15 units of transferred units. Out of these 15 units, the transfer of units for Core courses and Level 1 Foundational courses will be capped at 12 units. Please click here for details of transfer of units / course exemption.

Learning Outcomes

1. Communicate effectively in English and/or Chinese both as speakers and writers;
2. Apply appropriate information literacy and IT, numeracy and problem-solving skills to manage challenges;
3. Work in a team and pursue an active and healthy lifestyle;
4. Analyse contemporary issue using broad-based knowledge of specific disciplines;
5. Analyse and evaluate problems independently, critically and creatively;
6. Apply basic knowledge of specific disciplines to make informed choices and decisions; and
7. Recognise the ethical and moral responsibility as global citizens

Semester Schedule

1st Semester, 2024/25

28/8/2024 Release of Timetable
2/9/2024 1st Semester Begins
2-7/9/2024 1st Semester Add/Drop Courses
18/10/2024 Deadline for Application for Change of Concentration Studies (for Year 1 only)
21-25/10/2024 Course Registration (2nd Semester)
24/10/2024 Deadline for Tuition Payment (Extra Units)
(1st Semester)
6-21/12/2024 1st Semester Examination
12/12/2024 Deadline for Tuition Payment (2nd Semester)
7/1/2025 Release of Course Grades (1st Semester)
11/1/2025 1st Semester Ends
13-17/1/2025 Make-up & Supplementary Examinations
(1st Semester)

2nd Semester, 2024/25

15/1/2025 Release of Timetable
20/1/2025 2nd Semester Begins
20-25/1/2025 2nd Semester Add/Drop Courses
14/3/2025 Deadline for Application for Change of Concentration Studies (for Year 1 only)
20/3/2025 Deadline for Tuition Payment (Extra Units)
(2nd Semester)
7-11/4/2025 Course Registration
(for the 1st Semester, 2025/2026)
12-26/5/2025 2nd Semester Examination
10/6/2025 Release of Course Grades (2nd Semester)
14/6/2025 2nd Semester Ends
18-24/6/2025 Make-up & Supplementary Examinations
(2nd Semester)