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Art Tech Design

The journey in Art Tech Design is filled with endless possibilities. Our programme is designed to foster students’ passion, creativity, and knowledge to innovate and excel in the dynamic Art Tech design industry.

Dr. Maggie Fung
Programme Director

Professional Recognition

Hong Kong Designers Association Membership

Student Membership
Students of the Programme are eligible to apply for student membership of HKDA.
*A Student Member may hold his membership for a maximum of five (5) years, depending on the duration of his studies. When the full-time studentship of a student member is completed, his membership shall cease.

Associate Membership
Graduates of the Programme are eligible to apply for Associate membership of HKDA.


Industry Partners

The programme is supported by leading corporations and organisations which offer students a range of activities and workplace experiences such as career mentorships, internships, company visits, workshops, and guest seminars. These initiatives aim to equip students with the necessary technical and soft skills to meet the demands of the future workforce.

Transfer of Units / Course Exemption

Students admitted to Year 1 of study with advanced standing may apply for transfer of units / course exemption if they have taken equivalent courses at other institutions before admission. They may be granted up to 15 units of transferred units at the point of admission.