Dr. Sheren S.K. Cheng 鄭瑞琴博士
Senior Lecturer; Academic Co-ordinator, Generic Content - Free Electives (Chinese) / Chinese - Enrichment, Division of Arts and Languages
sheren@hkbu.edu.hk3411 3184
Teaching Areas
Course(s) taught:- CPPS2200 Contemporary Literary Theories and Chinese Literature
- CPPS2201 Creative Chinese Writing Workshop
- CPPS2204 Text and Image: A Critical Analysis
- FREL1200 Appreciation of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature
- FREL1201 Urban Society and Modern Chinese Narratives
- CCLC1206 Written and Spoken Modern Chinese
Research Interests
- Chinese Language
- Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature
- Literary Theories and Literary Criticism
- Education in Chinese Language and Literature
Selected Publications
- 郑瑞琴:〈疫下教育工作者的处境——脸孔与镜头〉,《明报月刊》“庠序见闻录”专栏,第57卷第四期(2022年4月),页117。
- 郑瑞琴:〈时下学生素养变差了?——多体谅多聆听〉,《明报月刊》“庠序见闻录”专栏,第57卷第二期(2022年2月),页117。
- Cheng, S.S.K. & Lam, K.W. (2021). Curriculum Design and Educational Practice on Service Learning: taking the CPPS course curriculum and Service Learning Project of Chinese Language Workshop as the example (中文课程设计与服务学习活动的教学实践—— 以“语文工作坊”服务学习计划为例). Paper presented in the SCE Annual Research Symposium 2021: Challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Century , The Hong Kong Baptist University, 11 June 2021.
- Moderator of Student Presentations (Concurrent Session 4): Arts, Culture, Society and Humanities. SCE Annual Research Symposium 2021: Challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Century , The Hong Kong Baptist University, 11 June 2021.
- 郑瑞琴︰〈文学理论中的“后”思考〉,文匯报“中文视野”专栏,2020年1月10日。
- 郑瑞琴︰〈“后”理论提质疑反思〉,文匯报“中文视野”专栏,2019年12月6日。
- 郑瑞琴︰〈颂牛颂马少颂猪 以貌取人笑八戒〉,文匯报“中文视野”专栏,2019年2月15日。
- 郑瑞琴︰〈古文活力强 今人依旧用〉,文匯报“中文视野”专栏,2019年1月25日。
- 郑瑞琴︰〈诗作重浪漫 写松重禅趣〉,文匯报“中文视野”专栏,2018年9月8日。
- 郑瑞琴︰〈名字含父母期望〉,文匯报“中文视野”专栏,2018年6月1日。
- Cheng, S.S.K. & Tse, F.T.Y. (2017). Chinese Curriculum Design and Service Learning Practice: Taking the training program of periodical editor and literary tour guide as examples. Paper presented in the FSTE Conference 2017: Innovative Teaching and Learning, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 24 November 2017.
Professional / Community Services
- Invited by MovieMovie to be the guest speaker of post screening talk “Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman” (Haruki Murakami’s short stories) on 24 November 2022.
- Invited by MovieMovie to be the guest speaker of post screening talk “Read Sing Eileen Chang” on 26 September 2021 and the facilitator of arts workshop “Sunflower: Between Van Gogh and U” on 3 October 2021.
- Member of the Advisory Group for the QESS project, “The development of learning materials in relation to Chinese as a second language for post-secondary education” hosted by Federation for Self-financing Tertiary Education (FSTE), 2017-2020.
- Advisor of the NGO, The Conservation and Development of Chinese Culture Charity Foundation Limited, 2018-2022.
- Invited by MovieMovie to be the guest speaker of the workshop “Van Gogh and Japan: Inscribed the imprint of our thought” on 22 September 2019.
- Invited by PMQ and MovieMovie to be the guest speaker of the symposium after screening of the documentary “Ballad on the Shore岸上渔歌” on the topic of “Life of fishermen in Hong Kong Literature” on 25 September 2018.
- Project on Chinese Language Research granted by the Kwok Chung Bo Fun Charitable Fund and the Research Matching Grant Scheme by the HKSAR Government 2020-2025.
- Seed Grant Funding Scheme 2022-23 on the Project of “Assessing the Academic and Non-academic Challenges among Ordinary Sub-degree Students and Sub-degree Students with Special Education Needs: A mixed-methods study”.
- Project on Service Learning granted by the Kwok Chung Bo Fun Charitable Fund 2019-2024.
- Project on Teaching and Learning of non-Chinese speaking students granted by the Kwok Chung Bo Fun Charitable Fund 2019-2024.