Two Hundred Advertising Agency
新一代的广告及设计创作人必须通晓不同范畴的专业知识,并拥有广阔的视野和敏锐的触觉,才可立足于广告设计行业。 「创意数码媒体设计」专修课程训练创意思维,设计理论与实践并重,内容包括:美术指导、品牌管理、排版设计及动画制作等,全方位培育具备创意的人才,满足创作专业所需。
Students are encouraged to explore the possibilities in creative arts, design and culture, multimedia, and visual communication in this programme. Their aesthetics are developed with the knowledge gained from research skills, concept development to practical visual production. Articulation pathways cover different aspects of creative industries and communication design in local and overseas universities.
Mr. Keith Tse
Academic Co-ordinator