Autism Partnership 行为分析治疗顾问
国际学院的心理学副学士专修课程不但介绍专业的概念及技巧,而且帮助同学了解业界的运作,学术及实用性兼备。 Autism Partnership每年均与学院合作为学生提供实习机会和专家讲座,同学们积极参与,态度认真,足证课程完善。
Autism Partnership 行为分析治疗顾问
国际学院的心理学副学士专修课程不但介绍专业的概念及技巧,而且帮助同学了解业界的运作,学术及实用性兼备。 Autism Partnership每年均与学院合作为学生提供实习机会和专家讲座,同学们积极参与,态度认真,足证课程完善。
With the emphasis on using scientific methods, Psychology can help students understand and explain human behaviour and mental processes from different perspectives. It benefits the improvement of human lives. Students can apply Psychology knowledge to their daily life and equip themselves for future career development.
Dr. Josephine P.L. Yau
Academic Co-ordinator