

Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) in Accountancy
会计学商学士 (荣誉) 学位课程

Core Courses (21 units)

Accounting Research Methods [ACCT3016] (3 units)
This course provides students with the basic skills necessary for carrying out accounting research projects at the undergraduate level. Students will gain good understanding of the importance of accounting research and have a broad overview of accounting research methods. This course will also provide the students with a laboratory for developing their skills in written and oral communication. Learning in this course will be accomplished through lectures, in-class exercises, group project and presentations.

BCom Accountancy Project [ACCT4895] (3 units)
Year 4 standing
The student project is a valuable integrative element in the BCom ACCT curriculum, providing a focus for the application of knowledge acquired from required and elective courses. The project provides an opportunity for students to apply the knowledge and skills gained on the degree programme to a real, practical business problem, and to prepare themselves for the transfer from the academic to the work situation.

Financial Management [BACY2015] (3 units)
This course is designed to provide business students with solid foundation on finance concepts and essential basic knowledge of financial instruments, markets and institutions. It also aims to equip students the techniques for evaluating financial assets, assessing capital investment opportunities and making long-term and short-term financial decisions.

Business Communications [BACY3035] (3 units)
University English II / or equivalent
This course aims at further enhancing students’ essential business communication skills and techniques in coping with contemporary business needs. To strengthen School of Business students’ core business communication skills and competencies, the following will be emphasized: 1. Critically read, comprehend, analyze and discuss business cases and business writing of various kinds to further heighten students’ business sense and acumen and sharpen students’ audience-sensitive writing skills. 2. Proficiently deliver eloquent and business-like Elevator Pitch to present sound and feasible business ideas in an assertive and effective manner.

Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility [BACY3045] (3 units)
Year 2 standing
The course covers a range of ethical issues to promote students’ ethics awareness in business. These ethical issues include technology and privacy, CSR, ethics and marketing, whistle blowing, corporate governance, and environmental sustainability. This course helps students understand that if organizations want to improve their ethical climate, the focus should not be on a compliance-based ethics code. Rather, it should be on designing a value-based organization system. The course not only explores the role philosophies have played for handling ethics but also presents frameworks for moral decision making applied to functional business settings such as management, human resources, accounting, marketing and finance. Emphasis will be on applying moral thinking, moral analysis, and a stakeholder approach to solve the problems facing businesses today.

Principles of Law [BACY3065] (3 units)
UCLC1009 University English II or equivalent
This course introduces to students the principles of Hong Kong legal system and the common law, and how the various branches of Hong Kong law are evolved and integrated over time. Special emphasis is also placed on the law of contract, law of tort, law of agency, consumer laws, employment laws and bribery and corruption laws.

Strategic Management [BACY4056] (3 units)
BUSI2005/BUSI2025 Organizational Behaviour, ACCT1006 Principles of Accounting II, MKTG2005/MKTG2015 Marketing Management
This course aims to prepare the student for a successful business career with a broad understanding of the importance and complexity of strategic decisions and the way they integrate other aspects of business operations. It examines the rationale of decisions that determine the future direction and effectiveness of organisations. The perspective taken is that of the general manager – the owner, CEO, president, or management consultant. It focuses on the skills required of the general manager in diagnosing and finding solutions for critical problems in complex business situations and implementing them. In that regard, it integrates the knowledge gained in previous functional courses from year 1 and year 2.

Accounting Required Courses (21 units)

Intermediate Accounting I [BACY2005] (3 units)
ACCT1005 Principles of Accounting I
This course builds on the principles learnt in introductory financial accounting. An emphasis is placed on the conceptual framework of financial accounting. On the basis of this conceptual framework, this course also examines the principles and problems of valuation of the individual items of assets, liabilities, and capital. This course then investigates the impact of the valuation on the determination of revenues and expenses. As a whole, this course will provide students with an understanding of analysis and interpretation of financial statements. A comparison between Hong Kong Accounting Standards and International Accounting Standards is also covered.

Intermediate Accounting II [BACY2006] (3 units)
ACCT2005 Intermediate Accounting I
A detailed discussion is given on: the principles and problems of accounting for the individual items of assets, liabilities, and capital; the impact of valuation upon the determination of cost and revenue; and the analysis and interpretation of financial statements. A comparison between Hong Kong Accounting Standards and International Accounting Standards is also covered.

Cost and Management Accounting I [BACY3005] (3 units)
ACCT1005 Principles of Accounting I
This course aims to introduce students to the basic concepts and techniques in cost and management accounting; to develop students’ ability in using relevant accounting data for management policy determination, decision making and performance evaluation; and to enable students to design and evaluate different cost accounting systems for operational planning and control.

Hong Kong Taxation [BACY3015] (3 units)
ACCT1005 Principles of Accounting I
This course aims to introduce students the principles and administration of the income tax system of Hong Kong. This course discusses the general principles of taxation, property tax, salaries tax, profits tax, depreciation allowances, and personal assessment. It also provides students with basics of stamp duty. A brief introduction of general tax planning and Mainland China taxation system is also included.

Company Law [BACY3025] (3 units)
LLAW3007 Principles of Law
This course aims to provide students with an understanding of the basic principles of company law including the formation of company, records, share and loan capital, management and administration, reconstruction and amalgamation, liquidation and receivership. On completing of this course, students should be able to solve some of the legal problems in practical business situations.

Advanced Accounting I [BACY4005] (3 units)
ACCT2006 Intermediate Accounting II
This course focuses on the exploration of the core technical capabilities to prepare and analyze financial reports for combined entities as well as the rationales behind various accounting principles and standards relating to group reporting. The main topics include business combinations, consolidation of financial statements, intragroup transactions, investment in associates and joint ventures, and translation of statements of a foreign subsidiary. Local business environment and legal requirements are referred to within the discussions.

Auditing I [BACY4015] (3 units)
ACCT2005 Intermediate Accounting I
This course aims to provide students with an understanding of the basic concepts and principles of auditing, the statutory audit requirements, extant auditing standards recommended by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, auditing in an Information Technology (IT) environment issues, internal audit and internal review, and non-audit engagements.

Elective Courses (24 units)

Accounting Internship I [ACCT3046] (3 units)
This course aims to provide students with further in-depth development of training in auditing firms or organisations to undertake accounting related position. Under the guidance of both instructors and workplace supervisors, students are able to understand how to identify their career interest in accounting field and receive comments upon their work performances respectively. Upon graduation, students can engage in a position that can further develop their career aspiration in accordance with what they learned in accounting. Students are required to work in an organisation undertaken accounting or auditing work assignments not less than 360 hours and to attend 12 hours face-to-face workshops and seminars.

Accounting Internship II [ACCT3047] (3 units)
This course aims to provide students with further in-depth development of training in auditing firms or organisations to undertake accounting related position. Under the guidance of both instructors and workplace supervisors, students are able to understand how to identify their career interest in accounting field and receive comments upon their work performances respectively. Upon graduation, students can engage in a position that can further develop their career aspiration in accordance with what they learned in accounting. Students are required to work in an organisation undertaken accounting or auditing work assignments not less than 360 hours and to attend 12 hours face-to-face workshops and seminars.

Cost and Management Accounting II* [BACY3105] (3 units)
BACY3005 Cost and Management Accounting I
Continued with BACY3005, this course furthers students’ concepts and techniques in cost and management accounting; to develop students’ ability in using relevant accounting data for management policy determination, decision making and performance evaluation. Emphasis is placed on budgeting and budgetary control system, standard costing and variance analysis, critical evaluation of performance measurement, and identify the recent trends and issues of management accounting in contemporary business world.

Financial Statement Analysis [BACY3115] (3 units)
ACCT1005 Principles of Accounting I
This course provides students with the knowledge and skills of financial statement analysis which are essential for investment, credit and other economic decisions. Students will gain a good understanding of the use of financial statement information to evaluate the past, current and potential performance and financial position of a company in the context of its industry and economic environment. The importance of accounting quality in financial statement analysis is emphasized from the beginning of the course.

Corporate Finance [BACY3125] (3 units)
BACY2015 Financial Management or FINE2007 Principles of Financial Management
This course addresses the controversial issues and the more advanced topics in financial management. It offers students an opportunity to examine the theory of corporate finance and the role theory can play in leading practitioners towards sound financial decisions.

Cyber Law and Risk [BACY3135] (3 units)
This course introduces to students the principles of cyber law and crimes in Hong Kong. With technological advances, the threat of cybercrimes and breach of cyber laws have dramatically increased. Combined with unquantified risks of liabilities created by new legal obligations, understanding cyber threats and vulnerabilities has become critical for individuals and businesses. Further, with the new challenges posted by a borderless world of the internet, this module will compare with regulatory efforts in comparable jurisdiction like the UK.

Legal Aspects of China Business [BACY3145] (3 units)
BACY3065 Principles of Law
This course aims to introduce to students some of the major areas of Chinese commercial law that are of common concern to foreign businessmen doing business in China, which include its historical development and principles, its application in equity joint ventures, co-operative joint ventures, wholly foreign owned enterprises and to foreign exchange problems, tax, trade and investments in China.

Advanced Accounting II^ [BACY4105] (3 units)
BACY4005 Advanced Accounting I
This course aims to provide students with a comprehensive discussion of selected advanced topics in financial accounting and reporting including consolidation; foreign operations; governmental and non-profit entities; accounting for price level changes; and corporate governance disclosure in annual reports. Emphasis is placed on the theoretical background and critical appraisal of different reporting methods and issues. Local business environment and legal requirements are referred to within the discussions.

Auditing II^ [BACY4115] (3 units)
BACY4015 Auditing I
Based on BACY4015, this course aims to provide students with a further understanding of the statutory audit requirements, extant auditing standards recommended by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, some special audit situations, some special audit topics and some contemporary auditing issues.

Listing Obligations and Compliance in Hong Kong [BACY4125] (3 units)
BACY3065 Principles of Law
This course aims to cover key issues and the applicable rules concerning the listing of companies with the Hong Kong stock exchange and the relevant laws enforced by the Securities and Futures Commission. This includes the listing requirements on the Main and the GEM Boards, the listing processes and documentation required for listing, corporate governance requirements, and continuing obligations of listed issuers. Upon listing it is mandatory that these entities comply with the rules and laws. As such, this course will cover the foundations of establishing and maintaining effective compliance management. Further, this module will compare with listing requirements in comparable jurisdiction like the UK.

Management Control [BACY4135] (3 units)
BACY3105 Cost and Management Accounting II
The course aims to provide students with a management perspective of accounting information with special emphasis on the control viewpoint. The role of an accountant or controller is briefly discussed. Particular attention is given to the managerial thinking for controlling the organisation. The concepts and techniques of management control are thoroughly discussed. Modern theories on organisation and decision making are highlighted in relation to management control systems.

Tax Planning and Management [BACY4145] (3 units)
BACY3015 Hong Kong Taxation
This course will provide students with an in-depth study of the law and practice of taxation for planning and management in the Hong Kong environment. The course will give an analytical review of the Hong Kong tax system so that students can advise management on the effect of taxation on decision making. An appreciation of the essential features of mainland China taxation is also included.

Services Marketing [BMKT3155] (3 units)
MKTG2005 Marketing Management
This course provides students with the up-to-date philosophies and practices of both local and international services marketing. An overview of the services marketing process and its differences from the marketing of customer products will be presented. Topics will also include the issues of quality control and customer satisfaction.

Strategic Digital Marketing [BMKT3185] (3 units)
The Internet, mobile technologies, and social media have given marketers more tools to satisfy customer needs with global reach, round-the-clock service, and meaningful customer interactions. The big question is, how could these tools be integrated into existing marketing strategies in the “Digital Economy”? This course is designed to guide future marketing experts in using internet-based technologies to develop and implement digital marketing strategy, with a specific focus on global brands and markets.

Event Marketing [BMKT4155] (3 units)
MKTG2005 Marketing Management
The course provides students with an understanding of how marketers can leverage event marketing to grow brands and promote cites or countries. Such events include meetings, incentive travels, conventions, exhibitions, sporting events, cultural events, and business events. In view of the rise of new forms of events, such as virtual ones and hybrid ones, the course emphasizes how event trends impact different stakeholders and event designs. The course also covers how events are conceptualized, planned, and evaluated.