

Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Integrated Communication Management
综合传播管理学社会科学学士 (荣誉) 学位课程

Major Core Courses (54 units)

Creative Media Planning [ICMT3005] (3 units)
This course introduces the principles and practices of advertising media planning and the process of evaluating and selecting media platforms to meet specific strategic marketing and communication goals. The latest media industry developments, media scene and use of data in Hong Kong and globally will also be examined.

Communication Theory* [ICMT3007] (3 units)
A broad spectrum of theoretical development is explored encompassing interpersonal, group, organizational, mass, public communication and digital communication theories. Application of the theories is an important component of the course, especially in making the ideas relevant to the context of Chinese society and Hong Kong experience in order to provide a foundation to meet the dynamic changes in the discipline of communication.

Creative Advertising Copywriting [ICMT3015] (3 units)
This course deals with the concepts and techniques of advertising copywriting by introducing their importance for advertising copy. By establishing a basic understanding of advertising approach, starting from a brief to an advertising campaign, conceptual thinking and practical works in both traditional and digital media will be demonstrated simultaneously.

Introduction to Public Relations and Advertising* [ICMT3017] (3 units)
This course introduces the fundamental principles in public relations and advertising. The instructor will guide students to get familiar with the concepts of strategic management of public relations, ethics, brand promotion, integrated marketing communication (IMC) in the digital era. In addition, as agencies play a key role in many business operations in Hong Kong, students will be introduced to the traditional and digital agency structures and operations.

Graphics and Print Solutions [ICMT3025] (3 units)
The technological advancement has revolutionized the process of developing content for output to screens and printed pages. Moreover, technology has made it easy for individuals to access printing, designing, and publishing skills all at once. This course provide platform for students to engage in the process of computer-based publication design. The process includes the concept creation, development and manipulation of graphics (including Brand Identity), typo-graphics, and photo-graphics in the digital space, as well as from the output of images and integrated designs to the print solutions. This course will empower students to become effective communicators using an array of graphics and print technologies and knowledge.

Marketing Principles* [ICMT3027] (3 units)
This course introduces students to the principles of marketing in the global economy. There is a strong emphasis on how organizations create customer value through marketing strategy planning. Students will be able to learn buyer behaviour, market segmentation, product planning, service quality, promotion, pricing, and managing channel relationships. The challenges for marketing in the digital era will also be covered.

Organizational Communication [ICMT3035] (3 units)
This course examines various theoretical approaches for prospective young managers to appreciate various communication phenomena in organizations in the digital-driven era. Analyses of organizational communication problems with particular attention will be paid to in fact-to-face and mediated interpersonal communication settings will be conducted. Emphasis will be given in evaluating the applicability of existing communication theories to the local organizational practices in the contemporary digital media-based organizational environment.

Research and Communication [ICMT3045] (3 units)
The students will learn basic concepts of research and research methodologies as applied in communication.

Persuasion and Social Influence [ICMT3235] (3 units)
Taking a social scientific approach, this course is designed to provide students with foundational theories of persuasion and their applications to everyday situations in the digital era. Specifically, this course focuses on audience analysis, attitude formation, the attitude-behaviour relationship, and changing attitudes and/or behaviours. The first part of this course will present students with the necessary groundwork for the understanding of attitudes such as background, theory, and measurement. The second part of the course will examine the various theories of persuasion as well as persuasion techniques. Students will be introduced to how these learned theories & techniques can be applied in the development of persuasion campaigns, including marketing, advertising, political, and public campaigns in the digital era.

Advertising and Social Issues [ICMT4005] (3 units)
This course provides an in-depth examination of advertising as a form of social communication in contemporary society. Stressed are the meanings and functions of advertising in modern culture and advertising's psychological, ideological, and sociological implications. Relevant ethical dimension and responsibilities are considered.

Integrated Communication Management Honours Project I (for the student cohorts of AY2024/25 and onwards) [ICMT4008] (3 units)
The project allows students to develop an independent, integrated marketing communication campaign (IMCC) proposal for an actual client. Under the guidance of an adviser, students are assigned to work on an account (the client), research the competitive situation, identify the target market, and construct a specific part of an integrated marketing communication campaign such as creative, media, public relations, internet marketing, multi-media presentation, or other promotional activities. To enhance students’ learning and experience in developing an IMCC proposal, emphases will be placed on communication with the client, environmental scanning, consumer research, creative idea generation, preparation of creative tactics and execution including but not limited to graphic design layouts, storyboards, short videos, television commercials and so on in addition to the preparation of a written IMCC proposal. Students can also choose to conduct an original research study on a specific topic in the communication areas including but not limited to public relations, advertising or marketing. To enhance students’ learning in research study, emphases will be placed on literature review, critical analysis of related conceptual framework(s), parsimonious research method and methodology, sampling and data collection, and significant analysis of data with relevant recommendations for the communication field. Qualitative and quantitative analytical tools, e.g. NVivo or SPSS, will be used. Students should strive for a standard for publishing in academic journals for their research outputs. For both types of projects, students should provide solutions to various communication activities in the digital era.

Integrated Communication Management Honours Project II (for the student cohorts of AY2024/25 and onwards) [ICMT4009] (3 units)
The project allows students to develop an independent, integrated marketing communication campaign (IMCC) proposal for an actual client. Under the guidance of an adviser, students are assigned to work on an account (the client), research the competitive situation, identify the target market, and construct a specific part of an integrated marketing communication campaign such as creative, media, public relations, internet marketing, multi-media presentation, or other promotional activities. To enhance students’ learning and experience in developing an IMCC proposal, emphases will be placed on communication with the client, environmental scanning, consumer research, creative idea generation, preparation of creative tactics and execution including but not limited to graphic design layouts, storyboards, short videos, television commercials and so on in addition to the preparation of a written IMCC proposal. Students can also choose to conduct an original research study on a specific topic in the communication areas including but not limited to public relations, advertising or marketing. To enhance students’ learning in research study, emphases will be placed on literature review, critical analysis of related conceptual framework(s), parsimonious research method and methodology, sampling and data collection, and significant analysis of data with relevant recommendations for the communication field. Qualitative and quantitative analytical tools, e.g. NVivo or SPSS, will be used. Students should strive for a standard for publishing in academic journals for their research outputs. For both types of projects, students should provide solutions to various communication activities in the digital era.

Communication in Professional Practice (for the student cohorts before AY2024/25) [ICMT4015] (3 units)
This course is designed to provide views on current professional practice in the advertising and PR fields. Students will learn how to develop generic skills and competencies necessary for the industry in managing projects, time and client requirements.

Crisis Communication [ICMT4025] (3 units)
This course investigates the concepts of crisis management, the relationship between public relations and the handling of crises, and the theories and techniques of planning for crisis communications for young and corporate leaders of an organization of any kind. This course will concentrate not only what an organization should do during a crisis, but also on what strategic public relations can do to prevent a crisis from happening as well as advanced skills in transforming crises into opportunities.

Event Management [ICMT4035] (3 units)
This course introduces students to the principles and practice of event management required for a young event manager. Students will explore the management and planning of a variety of special events—festivals, celebrations, and fund-raising programmes—and analyse the key processes involved in staging a successful event.

Integrated Marketing Communication Campaign [ICMT4045] (3 units)
The purpose of this course is to nurture leadership skills in managing the process in planning, executing and evaluating an integrated marketing integrated marketing communication campaign. Students will examine in depth the steps in researching, planning, implementing, and evaluating public relations and advertising campaigns and programmes; to analyse case histories; and to design appropriate PR and advertising campaigns and programmes for selected client and sponsoring organizations. Emphasis is on equal competency in traditional, digital and hybrid media settings practical application and integration of public relations and advertising techniques in developing a strategic communication programme.

Integrated Marketing Communication Honours Project (for the student cohorts before AY2024/25) [ICMT4055] (3 units)
The project allows students to develop an independent, integrated marketing communication campaign (IMCC) proposal for an actual client. Under the guidance of an adviser, students are assigned to work on an account (the client), research the competitive situation, identify the target market, and construct a specific part of an integrated marketing communication campaign such as creative, media, public relations, internet marketing, multi-media presentation, or other promotional activities. Students can also choose to conduct an original research study on a specific topic in the areas of public relations or advertising. For both types of projects, students should put an emphasis on providing solutions to various communication activities in the digital era.

Intercultural Communication [ICMT4065] (3 units)
The course will develop marketing communication manager’s cultural competency in dealing with cross-border consumers and clients. This module covers some important theories and practices which underlie the study of intercultural communication. Structures and barriers developed within and between cultures as they affect communication will be examined.

Public Relations and Media Writing [ICMT4075] (3 units)
This course provides instruction and writing practice designed to develop the professional-level bi-lingual writing skills expected of beginning public relations practitioners, emphasizing the different approaches required for particular audiences of traditional and digital media.

Digital Solution-Production and Performance [ICMT4505] (3 units)
This course aims to equip students with the latest skillsets for development of their careers in the communication field, including but not limited to, advertising, public relations and marketing in the digital era. The course will emphasize on the latest development and technology to enable students to connect with priority publics and target customers in the digital environment with the most advanced and sophisticated manner. The topics covered in the course establish the necessary contexts in production and performance for developing the digital solutions. Introduction to various social media and the related advertising strategies with the help of the big data analysis; planning of total digital campaign based on performance; search engine management and optimisation; Internet analytics and other evaluation methods for digital performance and various software applications for production of different content formats for the digital media will be covered.

Major Elective Courses (9 units)

Strategic Digital Marketing [BMKT3185] (3 units)
The Internet, mobile technologies, and social media have given marketers more tools to satisfy customer needs with global reach, round-the-clock service, and meaningful customer interactions. The big question is, how could these tools be integrated into existing marketing strategies in the “Digital Economy”? This course is designed to guide future marketing experts in using internet-based technologies to develop and implement digital marketing strategy, with a specific focus on global brands and markets.

Brand Management [BMKT4115] (3 units)
This course focuses on providing students with the knowledge and experience of brand building and management. On successful completion of this course, students should understand the nature and importance of branding building in marketing practice. In addition, they should also possess the strategic thinking and techniques in developing and managing brands that enhance an organization’s marketing competence.

Studies in Film and Television Classics [CRWG4055] (3 units)
Classics involve innovations and canons. They not only demonstrate the creative intensity but also the force of shaping the development of subsequent works. This course will survey a number of film and television classics from America, Europe, and Asia created by various auteurs and of various genres. By exploring the definitive and enduring qualities of these “classics”, the course will analyze the cultural and industrial significance of these texts.

Special Topics in Hollywood Cinema [CRWG4155] (3 units)
The course aims to give a comprehensive introduction to Hollywood cinema, examining its cultural and aesthetic significance. By spotlighting some movies within the economic and historical context of their production, circulation, and consumption, it explores and interprets Hollywood cinema in history and in the present, in theory and in practice.

Special Topics in Hong Kong Cinema [CRWG4165] (3 units)
This course aims to address different topics of the Hong Kong Cinema, mainly focusing on the 1970’s to the post 97’ period. Genres, gender issues, and transnational movies will be analysed.

Studies in Non-Fiction Films [CRWG4175] (3 units)
This course will introduce the basic concept and comprehensive historical development of non-fiction films (in this course, we focus on documentary films only, although non-fiction films include avant-garde films, educational films and industrial films, etc.). It introduces students to the fascinating world of documentaries and the intriguing but inspiring relationship between reality and its representation. The aesthetics of realism and documentary as political propaganda will also be discussed and explored.

Media Business Environment [ICMT3125] (3 units)
This course addresses basic issues of the contemporary media business environment from the economic, political, and organizational perspectives. Cases and strategies related to the performance of the traditional and digital media industry in global and local environments will be discussed.

Consumer Behaviour [ICMT3135] (3 units)
To enhance the marketing communication decision qualities, this course presents to future leaders the studies of the role consumer behaviour plays in the development and implementation of integrated marketing communication campaigns in Hong Kong and Asia. It examines the consumer decision-making process in both physical and digital environments and how they vary in different types of purchases, the various psychological processes including consumer learning process, and external factors such as culture, social class, group influences in these contexts.

Digital Communication Management [ICMT3145] (3 units)
This course provides an overview of the process of digital communication, and how digital media are used in various media industries. It will first introduce the nature and characteristics of digital media, and their relations to the changing nature and media consumption activities of audiences. The course will then focus on how digital media are used in various media industries including journalism, public relations and advertising. At the end of the course, students will gain hands-on skills in managing works presented in the digital communication area.

Fashion Communication Management [ICMT3155] (3 units)
This course adopts an interdisciplinary approach to investigate fashion communication as a specialized topic of communication studies. The notion of fashion will be assessed from different dimensions – textual, visual, physical, psychological, and spatial; its intricate relations to art, culture, history, philosophy, media, marketing, democracy, discrimination, and exploitation will be addressed. Meanwhile, the means of communication adopted by the international fashion conglomerates to market fashion, inclusive of fashion shows, magazine publishing, and advertising in the Asian context, will also be examined.

Television and Hong Kong Society [ICMT3185] (3 units)
This course focuses on the study of Hong Kong television and social change, the role of TV in the formation and maintenance of HK cultural identities, and its impact on other media and on the Asian Community. The course explores the Hong Kong TV industry in its socio-historical context, televisual discourses, audience reception, as well as in relation with society from late 50’s to the present. The multi-screen phenomenon and its influence to the TV industry in the digital era will also be discussed.

Visual Communication in Multimedia [ICMT3205] (3 units)
The course aims at developing students’ aesthetic sense and creativity on visual communication. It begins with an introduction on concepts of multimedia design and then focuses on applying them to visual analysis and appreciation, also providing creative solutions for specified communication problems. Students will possess useful techniques to design visual communication tasks with a range of multi-media applications (e.g., desktop publishing, video production and editing, and multimedia design, etc.). Through hands-on practices, students will be enabled to visualize their ideas effectively in the industry.

Special Topics in Communication [ICMT3215] (3 units)
This course provides detailed and intensive study of special topics of importance in communication. Depending of the expertise of the teaching faculty, one or more special topics in the section of Course Content will be covered. New special topics can be added.

Entrepreneurship Management [ICMT3225] (3 units)
The course is designed to develop students’ observation of society phenomenon into entrepreneurship opportunities. The course will concentrate on the concepts and implications of entrepreneurship projects. In the process of developing entrepreneurship projects, students will learn practical techniques including business presentation, personal marketing, career path setting, and establishing potential business partnerships in the field. This course provides both theoretical and practical knowledge for students’ understanding on the Importance of effective entrepreneurship management and sustainability of the business.

Financial Literacy [ICMT3245] (3 units)
This course introduces some fundamental principles in financial management for first-time business managers and future investor communication leaders. The instructor will guide students to get familiar with the financial statements, corporate finance practices pertaining to investor communication, and behavioural finance with reference to the Hong Kong investment market. The course shall enhance marketing communication students’ appreciation of financial literacy that ultimately enhance communication decision-making qualities to enhance corporate values in their junior leadership roles.

Journalism and Society in a PR Perspective [ICMT3255] (3 units)
This course explores both the practical and theoretical dimensions of journalism in order to provide a perspective for public relations practice in the digital era. It will start with a discussion of news patterns and major problems in local journalism. The course will then introduce various perspectives in understanding the journalistic practice in Hong Kong and elsewhere. Online journalism will also be covered. Journalism will be presented as both a social process and a profession. Students may expect to learn the intellectual foundations of both the professional duty of a journalist and the role of journalism in society and in turn understand how public relations should practice in accordance to the role of a journalist so as to gain publicity through journalistic coverage in the digital era.

Applied Creativity [ICMT3265] (3 units)
This course aims at inventing a foundation for students to apply the creative thinking skills throughout different tasks, roles and occasions. The course provides possible road-maps for students to think and work creatively. It starts with the introduction of the term Creativity, why creativity and then followed by how to apply creativity in real life situations. This course takes students through the confluence view of creativity, the expression and combination of creativity and the principles in creative problem solving. Students will develop their idea generation fluency and expand their imagination capacity through exercises of different creative thinking techniques and continuous reflection of their own creative efforts.

Communication in Professional Practice (for the student cohorts of AY2024/25 and onwards) [ICMT4015] (3 units)
This course is designed to provide views on current professional practice in the advertising and PR fields. Students will learn how to develop generic skills and competencies necessary for the industry in managing projects, time and client requirements.

Sports and Entertainment Promotion [ICMT4085] (3 units)
This course aims to equip students with strategic communication and management techniques required for a young manager to cope with the rapidly expanding recreation, sports and entertainment industries. These professionals are not only required by recreation, sport, and entertainment organizations, but are also essential in other private, public and voluntary organizations with the objective of promoting their corporate images, products or services via these leisure and entertainment events. With an emphasis in recreation, sport and entertainment events, this course incorporates key elements of successful PR event management and promotion strategies in these industries which stressed audiences’ experiences, including live and mediated forms. Introduction to these experiential industries; planning in stage events; sponsorship, audience analysis as well as media and community relations will be also covered.

Global Marketing Management [ICMT4105] (3 units)
This course develops future communication leaders competency in handling complex global business environment. Students will appreciate various issues concerning global marketing, which are affected by a variety of factors that are socioeconomic, political, legal as well as financial and cultural, all of which are in many ways affecting global marketing operations in the fast-paced digital contexts. Students will learn to analyse the characteristics of selected regional markets and strategic options for entry and expansion in those markets and also international marketing mix decisions. By the end of the course, students should have a greater understanding of the various issues behind the practical problems of global marketing and should be able to develop corporate marketing strategies for global markets for specific companies.

Marketing Communication in China [ICMT4115] (3 units)
This course investigates the development and use of integrated marketing communication in China. The socio-political-economic issues affecting the practice of IMC in China will be discussed to provide students with a general background. To help students become familiar with these practices, we will also investigate regulatory and ethical issues, consumer behaviours, direct marketing, and corporate social responsibilities, to understand how practitioners encounter and handle IMC issues. To better comprehend the concepts provided in this course, case studies will be used and guest speakers will be invited.

Strategic Public Relations Management [ICMT4125] (3 units)
This course aims to equip students with the strategic public relations skillsets required for a young manager. It goes beyond the traditional perspective on public relations executions by emphasizing strategic elements of public relations in the digital era. It focuses on relationship of public relations management to organizational structure, communication functions, and organizational effectiveness. The challenges of the public relations industry with rapid technology advancement in the digital era will also be covered.

Retailing as Marketing Communication [ICMT4135] (3 units)
This course aims to provide students with key principles, theories and relationships among various communication channels of retail brand contact. Students will learn the different theories of consumer behaviour, consumer’s perception of brand identity, different communication channels including in-store and off-site digital channels for retailers to reach and influence customers. We will also study the influence of retail space design and merchandising over consumer purchases synergizes with new media in an ever-challenging and dynamic business environment. Through exposure to different theories and research studies, case studies and field trip, students should be able to analyse, integrate, and develop effective and efficient communication campaigns, store layout design, and in-store merchandising to achieve pre-set brand communication objectives.

Financial Communication and Investor Relations [ICMT4145] (3 units)
This course aims to equip students with the necessary skillsets required for a young financial communication manager. It provides students with the knowledge and concepts of financial communication and investor relations in both theoretical and practical aspects. Various key dimensions of financial communication and investor relations are explored, including methodologies, market practices, main stakeholders (media, investment community, shareholders, analysts, brokers, employees, rating agencies, and consumers of financial products), activities (corporate reporting, shareholder meeting, roadshow, and press release), critical situations (initial public offering, corporate spin-off, profit warning, merger and acquisition, fund raising, restructuring, and financial crisis), and legal/regulatory requirements. Students are expected to acquire an understanding of how financial and related information is created, packaged, and disseminated by a company's management team, as well as to understand the impact of the management team’s decisions on external users’ interpretation of such information.

Big Data Analytics for Media and Communication [ICMT4155] (3 units)
This course aims to introduce the fundamental knowledge and hands-on skills of big data analytics in the field of media and communication. Special focus will be placed on techniques for searching, collecting, analysing, interpreting, and visualizing data. Technical details include, but not limited to, web crawling, data storage, data analysis, text mining, social network analysis, and data visualization, based on open source software packages. Through a variety of teaching learning activities, such as class demonstrations, individual exercises, quizzes and collaborative projects, by the end of the semester, students are expected to become capable to collect big data from different data sources, i.e., social media harvesting, web scraping, online archiving or indexing data retrieving, with open source software packages. Students are also expected to produce socially, culturally, or commercially meaningful data-driven narrative outputs, such as data-driven journalistic report, data visualization, data-driven business analysis, and computational social science research reports. Meanwhile, critical reflection on the overuse and abuse of big data and relevant ethical and legal controversies will be discussed throughout the semester as well.

ICM Internship [ICMT4905] (0 units)
ICM students are encouraged to undertake a non-graded and zero-credit internship. The internship is normally of at least two months full-time employment or professional practice during the summer between Year 3 and Year 4, but it can be a minimum of 160 hours of work. Students are required to conform to all reasonable requirements of their internship employer. During the internship, students are expected to appreciate the supervision and management styles of their employers. This becomes an invaluable experience in shaping the students’ future leadership style. Both the employer and the student file reports with the Course Director after the internship.

Gender and Communication [MSCN3165] (3 units)
This course is designed to introduce a wide range of perspectives about gender and communication. To enhance students’ understanding of gender issues in communication, the course starts with an overview of various theoretical approaches to gender studies, and then investigate how concepts of gender are produced, circulated and consumed by media audiences. The main purpose of the course is to sharpen students’ critical thinking and analytical skills in identifying and discussing the construction, mediation, representation and misrepresentation of gender in the global context of media communication.

Negotiation and Lobbying [MSCN3175] (3 units)
This course is designed to provide the theoretical and practical training to negotiation and conflict management. Emphasis is put on the negotiation workshop approach which will be adopted to provide various simulated exercises to help students apply concepts into practice. The subject will also cover aspects the background and current applications of lobbying as a global industry which thrives wherever democracy is established. The course will be comprised of lectures, class discussions based on readings, class presentations, and viewing and interpreting various texts. The course readings are both practical and theoretical, and while many of them focus on specific case studies, they are intended to provoke thoughtfulness in each student such that it can be applied to a variety of real life situations. Students will also get an opportunity to produce their own presentations.

Analytical and Opinion Writing for Chinese Media [MSCN3205] (3 units)
This course introduces students to various forms of analytical, commentary and opinion writing on different media platforms, such as newspapers, magazines, blogs or news websites. Students will learn the principles and techniques of making opinion writing persuasive through building arguments and structuring facts and comments. Through an examination of political, social, public relations or environmental issues, the course helps students to develop both their analytical skills and writing skills for print or online media. As a lot of cases in the local context will be examined and discussed, the medium of instruction is Chinese.

General Education Capstone Course (3 units)

Social Services Marketing* [GCAP3855] (3 units)
This course uses interdisciplinary approach to investigate the practices and challenges of government and government related organizations, as well as non-profit organizations in the marketing of social services. The course discusses the characteristics of social services marketing, the design and implementation of social services campaigns, social services branding strategy, the different marketing communication tools application in different disciplines of social services marketing, and the evaluation of social services marketing efforts.