

楊浩明先生 Director and Part-time Lecturer, Vista Academy Co Limited (Chairman)
程淑麗女士 Academic Registrar, HKBU
馮芷君女士 Assistant Chief Executive, Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service, Lutheran Church - Hong Kong Synod
李志誠先生 Principal, China Holiness Church Living Spirit College
梁婉玲女士 Marketing Director, The Mills
梁恩銘先生 Director of Education, WWF-Hong Kong
雷煒程先生 Executive Director, Longevity Design House Limited
Ms. Shalini Mahtani Founder and Chief Executive Officer, The Zubin Foundation
潘步釗博士 Advisor, Curriculum Development Institute, Education Bureau
蕭潮順先生 Chairman and Managing Director, Wellfit Multi-Media Group Limited
吳德龍教授 Deputy Chairman, Poseidon Hill Capital Limited
鍾志杰教授 Dean, SCE (Ex-officio) and Acting Director of College of International Education, SCE (Ex-officio) (Convener)

陳家華教授 School of Communication, HKBU
張國威教授 Department of Computer Science, HKBU
朱耀偉教授 School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong
馮應謙教授 School of Journalism and Communication, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
劉詠聰教授 Department of History, HKBU
鄺可怡教授 Department of Chinese Language and Literature, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
藍志雄教授 Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau
李慧心教授 School of Education and Languages, Hong Kong Metropolitan University
邱建文教授 Department of Biology, HKBU
施立培教授 School of Business, HKBU