Dr. Karen L.Y. Woo 胡麗恩博士
Division Leader; Associate Programme Director of Associate Degree in Applied Science; Academic Co-ordinator and Lecturer, Geography and Resources Management / Generic Content - GE Level 2 Interdisciplinary Thematic Courses (Sustainable Communities), Division of Applied Science
3411 3372
Teaching Areas
Course(s) taught:- GRMG2100 Introduction to Geography and Environmental Resources Management
- GRMG2102 Understanding Environmental Issues in Hong Kong
- GRMG2103 Introduction to Geology and Geotourism
- TCSU2100 Sustainable Communities and the Environment
- ELSS2103 Internship for Environment, Conservation and Ecotourism
Research Interests
- Environmental Resources Management and Policy
- Nature Conservation
- Environmental Education
- Geotourism
- Sustainable Development
Professional Qualifications
- Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society (FRGS)
- Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA)
Selected Publications
- 蔡慕貞胡麗恩 (2024 年6 月19 - 21日) 。 「地質公園科普-共融 共賞 香港分享」。在《中國地質學會旅遊地學與地質公園研究分會地質公園科普研討會》提交會議論文和進行口頭演示。
- Cindy Choi and Karen Woo. (9 - 11 May 2024). Abstract submission “Assessing the Sustainability and Geotourism Resources of Hong Kong UNESCO Global Geopark: A SWOT Analysis”. The International Conference on Tourism Development and Investment in Sustainability, organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
- 蔡慕貞和胡麗恩 (2023年08月22 - 24日)。「地質多樣性:香港地質旅遊的寶庫」。在《中國地質學會旅遊地學與地質公園研究分會第37屆年會暨『天上黃河・山水化隆』2023地學旅遊週》提交會議論文和進行口頭演示。
- Cindy Choi and Karen Woo (May 2023) “Engaging the Disabled People in Geotourism and Education Activities – Experience Sharing by Association for Geoconservation, Hong Kong”. Abstract submission and presentation in the International Conference on Sustainable, Transformative and Regenerative Tourism organised by Department of Geography and Resource Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
- 浸大國際學院與食德好聯合發佈「業界廚餘現況調查」(2022年06月14日) [HKBU CIE and Food Grace jointly release the results of the “Survey of Food Waste in the Catering Industry”]
- 浸大國際學院與綠色力量聯合發布「林村居民對林村河及集水區的認知調查」(2022年03月26日) [HKBU CIE and Green Power jointly announce a survey on local perceptions of Lam Tsuen River and its catchment area]
- Hong Kong Bird Watching Society, Hong Kong Baptist University Library & Woo, Karen (2019). Map. Retrieved January 1, 2020, from Hong Kong Wildtracks: https://digital.lib.hkbu.edu.hk/hkwildtracks/
- 浸大國際學院與綠色力量聯合發布「香港市民對郊野公園之意見調查」(2019年03月11日) [HKBU CIE and Green Power release results of public perception survey on Country Parks in Hong Kong]
- 第二次全港家居廚餘現況大型調查報告暨建議書 (2018年7月) [Food Grace and HKBU CIE (Jul 2018). Report of Second Territorial-wide Survey of Household Food Waste in Hong Kong]
- 浸大國際學院與綠色力量聯合新聞稿發布 (2018年02月14日):大嶼山可持續發展民意調查 [HKBU CIE and Green Power. (14 Feb 2018). Joint Press Release on “Public Survey on Sustainable Development in Lantau”]
- 浸大國際學院新聞稿 (2017年03月22日):「地理及資源管理」專修調查:八成元朗居民希望「元朗明渠」復修成綠化河濱公園 [HKBU CIE. (22 Mar 2017). Press Release on “CIE Geography and Resources Management students conduct a community survey on residents’ perceptions of Yuen Long Nullah”]
Professional / Community Services
- Vice Chairman, Association for Geoconservation, Hong Kong. (2023 - 2025)
- Course Adviser in the Environment Service and Environmental Industry Sector, Community Leap (2022 - 2025)
- Third-party project evaluator in “Vessel Repair: Kwai Tsing Repair Service Station cum Train-the Trainer Programme” (Sep 2023 - Jul 2024)
- “Exploring the role of big data analytics in promoting smart low-carbon cities: A human-centered, community-based, and deep engagement approach in Hong Kong” (Jun 2021 - Jun 2024) awarded with Research Impact Fund (RIF) 2020/21, the Research Grants Council, the University Grants Committee (Project No.: R2002-20) and HKBU’s Matching Fund. Dr. Karen Woo is one of the Co-Principal Investigators.
- “Reducing Food Waste in Kwai Tsing” under Environmental Education and Community Action Projects awarded with Environment and Conservation Fund (ECF) (2019 - 20) (Project No.: 2137). HKBU CIE is the sole co-organiser with Food Grace in this environmental community project and Dr. Karen Woo is the responsible staff.
- “The Sound Map of the Biodiversity of Hong Kong” under Environmental Education and Community Action Projects awarded with Environment and Conservation Fund (ECF) (2016 - 17) (Project No.: 61). “The Hong Kong Bird Atlas, with the Engagement of Citizen Scientists” awarded with Environment and Conservation Fund (ECF) (2016) (Project No.: 49/2015). HKBU CIE is the co-organiser with Hong Kong Bird Watching Society in the above two conservation projects and Dr. Karen Woo is the responsible staff. Please see the “Hong Kong Wildtracks” interactive biodiversity sound map at https://digital.lib.hkbu.edu.hk/hkwildtracks/