Dr. Sheren S.K. Cheng 鄭瑞琴博士
Academic Co-ordinator and Senior Lecturer, Generic Content - Free Electives (Urban Society and Modern Chinese Narratives) / Chinese - Enrichment, Division of Arts and Languages
3411 3184
Teaching Areas
Course(s) taught:- CCLC1206 Written and Spoken Modern Chinese
- CPPS2200 Contemporary Literary Theories and Chinese Literature
- CPPS2201 Creative Chinese Writing Workshop
- ELSS2219/FREL1200 Appreciation of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature
- FREL1201 Urban Society and Modern Chinese Narratives
- FREL1202/CPPS2204 Text and Image: A Critical Analysis
Research Interests
- Chinese Language
- Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature
- Literary Theories and Literary Criticism
- Education in Chinese Language and Literature
Selected Publications
- 鄭瑞琴 (2024年3月28日) 。〈戒掉「電子奶嘴」?〉。收錄於:《明報月刊》「學苑春秋.師說師文」專欄,2024年4月號。
- 鄭瑞琴 (2023年9月) 。〈早期香港文學中的「夜香港」〉。收錄於:《明報月刊》「學苑春秋.師說師文」專欄,第58卷第九期,頁117。
- 鄭瑞琴:〈疫下教育工作者的處境——臉孔與鏡頭〉,《明報月刊》「庠序見聞錄」專欄,第57卷第四期(2022年4月),頁117。
- 鄭瑞琴:〈時下學生素養變差了?——多體諒多聆聽〉,《明報月刊》「庠序見聞錄」專欄,第57卷第二期(2022年2月),頁117。
- Cheng, S.S.K. & Lam, K.W. (2021). Curriculum Design and Educational Practice on Service Learning: taking the CPPS course curriculum and Service Learning Project of Chinese Language Workshop as the example (中文課程設計與服務學習活動的教學實踐—— 以「語文工作坊」服務學習計畫為例). Paper presented in the SCE Annual Research Symposium 2021: Challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Century, The Hong Kong Baptist University, 11 June 2021.
- Moderator of Student Presentations (Concurrent Session 4): Arts, Culture, Society and Humanities. SCE Annual Research Symposium 2021: Challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Century, The Hong Kong Baptist University, 11 June 2021.
- 鄭瑞琴︰〈文學理論中的「後」思考〉,文匯報「中文視野」專欄,2020年1月10日。
- 鄭瑞琴︰〈「後」理論提質疑反思〉,文匯報「中文視野」專欄,2019年12月6日。
- 鄭瑞琴︰〈頌牛頌馬少頌豬 以貌取人笑八戒〉,文匯報「中文視野」專欄,2019年2月15日。
- 鄭瑞琴︰〈古文活力強 今人依舊用〉,文匯報「中文視野」專欄,2019年1月25日。
- 鄭瑞琴︰〈詩作重浪漫 寫松重禪趣〉,文匯報「中文視野」專欄,2018年9月8日。
- 鄭瑞琴︰〈名字含父母期望〉,文匯報「中文視野」專欄,2018年6月1日。
- Cheng, S.S.K. & Tse, F.T.Y. (2017). Chinese Curriculum Design and Service Learning Practice: Taking the training program of periodical editor and literary tour guide as examples. Paper presented in the FSTE Conference 2017: Innovative Teaching and Learning, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 24 November 2017.
Professional / Community Services
- Invited by MovieMovie to be the guest speaker of post screening talk “Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman” (Haruki Murakami’s short stories) on 24 November 2022.
- Invited by MovieMovie to be the guest speaker of post screening talk “Read Sing Eileen Chang” on 26 September 2021 and the facilitator of arts workshop “Sunflower: Between Van Gogh and U” on 3 October 2021.
- Advisor of the NGO, The Conservation and Development of Chinese Culture Charity Foundation Limited, 2018-2022.
- Project on Chinese Language Research granted by the Kwok Chung Bo Fun Charitable Fund and the Research Matching Grant Scheme by the HKSAR Government 2020-2025.
- Seed Grant Funding Scheme 2022-23 on the Project of “Assessing the Academic and Non-academic Challenges among Ordinary Sub-degree Students and Sub-degree Students with Special Education Needs: A mixed-methods study”.
- Project on Service Learning granted by the Kwok Chung Bo Fun Charitable Fund 2019-2024.
- Project on Teaching and Learning of non-Chinese speaking students granted by the Kwok Chung Bo Fun Charitable Fund 2019-2024.