Dr. Michael W.H. Kam 甘穎軒博士
Associate Programme Director of Associate Degree in Social Sciences; Academic Co-ordinator and Lecturer, History and Hong Kong Studies, Division of Social Sciences
3411 3340
Teaching Areas
Course(s) taught:- HHKS2502 Introduction to Historiography
- HHKS2503 Transformations of the Hong Kong Economy
Research Interests
- Hong Kong Social and Economic History
- History of Modern China
Selected Publications
- Michael Wing-hin Kam (2023) “Churchman, Banker, Educator: Lam Chi-Fung and American Church Resources in the Making of Hong Kong Baptist College.” In From Missionary Education to Confucius Institutes: Historical Reflections on Sino-American Cultural Exchange, eds Kyong-Mcclain J. and Lee, J. T. 1st ed. New York: Routledge.
- 甘穎軒 (2023)。〈移變與移常:從僑易角度考察林子豐的人生規劃〉。收錄於《華人研究國際學報》,第十五卷第二期:頁27-46。
- 甘穎軒 (2022)。《金飾今昔:香港金飾業的興衰》。香港:中華書局,224頁。
- 甘穎軒 (2019)。〈清華歸國學人對中國近現代科學發展之貢獻〉。收錄於周佳榮、黎志剛、區志堅編:《五四百周年:啟蒙、記憶與開新》。中華書局(香港)有限公司:頁554-570。
- Michael Wing-hin Kam (2017). “Navigating Christian and Chaozhou Identities: The Life and Career of Lin Zifeng (1892–1971).” In Social Transformations in Chinese Society, volume 13 Issue 1 (November 2017): 71-90.
- 甘穎軒 (2016)。〈中國海盜與料羅灣海戰〉。收錄於《海洋史研究》,第九輯:頁212-229。
- 甘穎軒 (2016)。〈從商人到教育家:林子豐的生平及其事業 (1892-1971)〉。收錄於李金強、劉義章編:《聲教廣披:基督教與華南方言族群》。建道神學院,2016,頁165-190。
- 甘穎軒 (2015)。《全人醫治半世紀:香港浸信會醫院史》。香港:三聯書店(香港)有限公司,224頁。
- 甘穎軒、黃曉恩、黃耀宗 (2014)。《中國當代歷史100大事件》。香港:天地圖書有限公司,244頁。
- Ricardo K. S. Mak, Michael Wing-hin Kam (2013). “The Transnational Chinese Business Network in the Early Twentieth Century and Its Economic and Cultural Impact: A Case Study of the Zhongshan Business Community.” In The International Journal of Critical Cultural Studies, Volume 10, Issue 4 (December): 51-71.
- “Retracing the History of Traditional Jewelry Production in Hong Kong” awarded by the School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University (SCE/SGF/1819/01) (2019)
- “Retracing the History of Traditional Jewelry Production in Hong Kong (Research and Publish the Findings)” awarded by the Lord Wilson Heritage Trust (2020)