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Alumni Personal Sharing 校友生活誌
Lewina Lee (CRCM2004)
由決定辭職到起行到韓國工作假期,不足兩個月,辦好了所有的手續,出發! 為什麼選擇韓國?主要因為我的韓語已經學到中級了。
到韓國工作假期前,我沒有去過很多次外國旅行。在2012年2月16日,我背著背包降落仁川國際機場時,這是我第一次到韓國。在韓國開始了生活,我才發現自己的韓語也沒想像中好。遇到的人,稍為重一點地方口音,我便完全溝通不了……那麼,將危機化成機會吧,看了地圖,買好火車票,就讓自己隨心出發,心會帶著腳步走…… (繼續閱讀...)
Highlights on Alumni Mentorship Program 師友連線
Student Mentee Sharing
蘇慧昕 (ENCS2014)
Joining the Alumni Mentorship Programme has sharpened my vision about my study and career paths and who I really am. My mentor, Perry, graduated in the same programme of mine a few years ago. He knew very well about my programme and offered me different opinions.
He also has better ideas about what is happening in the field as well as what kind of people employers are looking for. He shared with me not only his own experience but also those of his friends in the industry. (To read more…)
Alumni News 校外新鮮事
藝術家周文慶Justin(視覺藝術2010) 於2013年自創「物品」藝術工作室(Opjects Studio),聚集年輕作家一起創造各種藝術的可能,並於2013年12月至2014年1月集合了四位年輕藝術家,一起舉辦「擬想移情」展覽,希望透過作品帶觀眾遊走在「物與情、情與想」之間,讓觀眾重新感受身邊的尋常事物。
Lecturer News and Sharing老師Fun話線
My personal experience of GE
Dr. CHU Yun Chung
“Just try to introduce yourself,” said Brian when he invited me to write a short article for this CIE Alumni newsletter. “Doesn’t it sound like a job interview,” I thought, “but what about me would people possibly be interested in knowing?” Then I recalled a question I was asked during the interview of this job… I was asked to give my views on GE during the job interview.
I first came across the term “General Education” when I became an undergraduate student at the Chinese University of Hong Kong in late eighties. (Let’s not disclose the exact year.) CUHK was the pioneer university in Hong Kong to promote GE and at that time, we had to take six GE courses. One thing that has not changed over generations is that students keep questioning the value of GE. To answer this question of the students nowadays, the best way is perhaps to tell them what I remember I learnt from GE 25 years ago and ask them to have the same reflection 25 years later themselves. (To read more…)